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Deleted 3 years ago

actual;y you cap play it on pc go to library go to download and find feral and check its information cuz what happened to me is every download from and when i open it it automatically open something and say display read me and controlls so you can change stuff on controlls so yeah

(1 edit)

Stunning game, breath taking and very original! Check out my let's play!

If you enjoyed my video, I hope you'll take the time to leave me a comments or a like on my channel :) I have daily let's play uploads (indie and big titles) so please subscribe for more :D Looking forward to having a chat with you guys on my channel ^__^

Have a great weekend everyone! Keep on gaming!

Really great game. Here is my gameplay (spanish-español)


Feral is very impressive game, I really love it


Game Sucks... I cant move and the settings wont apply, I'm trying to use keyboard and nothing works!

Ok, a ton of people are complaining about this but if you could actually read before you judge, you would see you need an Xbox controller


To dumb this is Xbox controller only. You cant move without it which is silly. Why would you do this devs? Isnt keyboard + mouse good for you?


By anychance you could send me the console commands for this game. if you do i could most likely get my keyboard and mouse all bound up

I really love the concept, artwork is amazing too. the game really had potential. It's a shame the development of the game won't continue, if the devs are still active, I would hope they can at least fix the constant crashes, as well as the video settings to fit the game to the screen.

I did a video play through for anyone who is interested.


Game won't fit on my screen and lags severely. Please find a way to fix this.

Is there a way that I can edit the graphics options from outside the game? Is there a .ini that I can't find that I can edit? I appreciate the help, I can't run it on my PC on the original settings and to change them is really laggy. Thanks!

sucks that you need an xbox controller to play this game since i got ps4 controller i can't play. If you could add keyboard controls that would be great

There's a program that allows PS4 controller to be connected to your PC and seen as an xbox360 controller. The program is called InputMapper. The program is free, easy to install and works rather well IMO.

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and its full of ads. better use ds4windows

I managed to record it pretty well just using my keyboard

(1 edit) (+3)

Do you plan on making this game playable with a keyboard and mouse?

i cannot get the game to run it requests to set up c++ then just does nothing, opens a window that says uninstall or close thats it...

finally get it working and it just crashes, no keybinding options, no saves. one star no donation.

Could you play on a keyboard??

as far as i know, no you can't

Oh okay

Here is my let's play of FERAL!
This game is absolutely stunning. I love the concept, it's . It is very original. Having to hunt and kills prey to feed your babies. The design of the game is phenomenal! Support these developers and get the game, so they can make this game even better!


Does a ps4 controller work?

there are programs that you can download to turn your PS4 controller into an xbox controller. i did it a while ago, and it works great.


How do i get the gamepad to work? it keeps reading my mouse/keyboard.


Would be freaking awesome in VR btw wink wink nudge nudge

Didn't experience any issues when I played, keyboard controls seem to be an issue but I just played with my controller. Was a fun game, and VERY pretty.

(2 edits)

The future of Feral

Some good news, and some bad news.

Its been a long time since we have updated everyone on our current situation, and we do apologize. We know there are some dedicated fans who are eager to dig right into Feral, and we are so glad we have such awesome followers! But as it stands, Feral is an extremely ambitious project for our small team, and as we have found out, takes its toll. But don't take this the wrong way - we are still very much involved in developing Feral, but... We have switched our focus to a more realistic goal, a game that's more achievable suits our small team a lot more. Once we release this, we may be able to fund the development of Feral ourselves.

May I present you with our current project:

Paperland Hunter
An arcade style top-down hunting game for mobile.

Putting a twist into the standard hunting game by crafting a world of paper, adding the element of fun through arcade style combat. Using weapons and traps such as rifles and bear traps to eventually rocket launchers and laser traps. Sell your kills at the market to earn weapon, trap and cabin upgrades.
We hope you all understand, and be assured that we have not given up on Feral.

We will erect a Paperland Hunter Facebook page soon so you can follow any updates and developments! We will also come back here to keep you updates also.
Thanks for all of your support over the years! We hope you will continue to follow us for years to come.

- Flare Point Interactive

Hey, I love the game and the ambition you guys have. I am a pretty big fan myself, I would like to be part of your team I am currently in school for Game Design and would like to help!

Why does it says Network Error please help i really want to try out this game :((( feelsbadman

Wish it had keyboard controls as well as Xbox controls :(

plz make this game of mac!

Whenever I try to download it says network error. When I go to hit resume it says forbidden, does anyone know how to fix this?

Every Time I try to download it always says network error

(1 edit)
u can check this link

Looks like it has great potential, but the lack of options to adjust controls and sensitivity make it very difficult to play. I'll check back after some updates.

Will This Game be Released on steam ?



Another awesome game that my pc can't even handle. Awesome.

I did not experience crashes in the game and I did need to figure out the keyboard settings as it is for a controller first, but I think you just need a good PC for is because of the Unreal Engine. Certainly on of my favourate games so far.

everyone wants a mac version, can we at least get keyboard support before we move on to developing for other platforms?

Hey this is amazing... Are you going to publish it in any other platforms?

I know that Wine is a thing for Mac, but that seems to complicated (and I'm lazy). Like other people, there have been requests for the Mac version. I also want it.

can you make a version for mac plz

I came here because of Jacksepticeye. I was wondering, how did you guys render the graphics the way they are?
They look amazing and I love the style. It would make for an interesting survival game.

I believe it is the Unreal Engine. But the trade off is you need a powerful PC for this engine most of the time.

can you make a support without controller

i came here because of jacksepticeye btw

thx jack

plz plz plz plz, make this on mac support plz


sad peasant who does not know he can use wine to play exe on mac sad sad... just get wine you idiot

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